Do feel you are on the edge of some understanding?
That you have never fully “fit in” with reality?
Do you feel that you are maybe a little bit “weird”?
Do you have experiences that are hard, if not impossible to understand?
Do you feel your external reality is not in full connection to your inner being?
Do you feel you know something, but cannot describe such?
Do you feel your life is a mix of truth and illusion? That each truth is not a full truth, and each lie is not a full lie?
Do you feel the power of your inner potential, but that it is not in line with the “way the world works”?
Do you know there is more possibility to life than how we are currently living?
Have you felt limited in how you wish to express yourself? Maybe by someone telling you “no, that is not normal?”
Are you living the life you dream of?
Are your needs of life met? Are you loved? Do you have clean water, food, shelter and safety?
Do you feel your internal value mirrors the external’s value of you? Or do you feel under valued?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the appearance of pain and violence in the world? Of what is on the news, social media or in our history books?
Do you feel this is not the whole picture? That there is much greater opportunity for peace than for fear?
The direct translation of Keijukivi to English is fairy stone. The essence of Keijukivi is beyond fairy stone. The essence lies within the metaphorical energy dynamics of the fairy upon their stone.
What are these dynamics?
That is the beauty and the mystery of Keijukivi. These dynamics are infinite in from. But let us begin with a simple example.
Consider a basic electronic circuit, there is a lightbulb, two wires and a battery.
For the light to shine, the bulb needs not only the battery and the two wires but the connection of the two wires, one to each side of the battery for the electric energy to flow.
Now, we can draw a metaphor. The lightbulb is the fairy, the battery is the stone. The fairy has the potential for their light to shine bright. Likewise, the stone has the potential to power the fairy. For the magic of the fairy to shine, the fairy needs the flow of potential energy from the stone.
This is Keijukivi, the ongoing process of connecting the energy of the stone to the potential of the fairy. Both the magical potential of the fairy and the energy potential of the stone are unlimited, both are infinite. The process lies in the connection of the fairy to the stone. This is the adventure of our method – there is no single answer, there are infinite possibilities. The process is only to support and expand the connection of each possibility. To continually learn and evolve the magic of the fairy by connection to the stone.
This metaphor addresses the essence of Keijukivi, but do not let this metaphor constrain the magnitude of possibilities. For starters, who, or what is the fairy? The fairy could be you, but the fairy could also be your family, your group of closest friends, your community, your people. The fairy is expansive beyond anything we could write.
As is the stone. The stone encompasses all that grounds the fairy, all that inspires the fairy, all that powers the fairy. This can be one’s body, one’s mind, one’s community, a community’s support network. What you may get the sense of already is that the stone contains parts of the fairy, and the fairy contains part of the stone. They are not separate. They are Keijukivi. The magic lies in the connection.
The fairy is beyond the constraints of rugged individualism, beyond narcissism. However, this does not discount the reality for many in our collective that to power the fairy, the resources of the stone must expand one beyond the learned constraints of most modern human culture. For many, in fact for all fairies, our magic is duller than is possible. Each fairy has a connection to the stone, but there is always room to grow. A fairy must only be willing to surrender to the connections and expand with the flow these connections go. This means one must be willing to welcome the process of unlearning the dominance of rationality in much of modern human culture, that of individualism, of narcissism, of inflated ego to allow for their connections to expand.
The possibilities are far greater than anything one can imagine by thinking. This is because our thinking is a reflection of our present reality. A present reality shaped by a limited expression of our possibilities as life, as consciousness. A present reality with a large presence of disconnections. Keijukivi is the process of recovering, healing, and forming these present disconnections. Keijukivi is an experience. An experience of growing our potential. Fairy by fairy supported stone by stone in a pattern of expansion.
We are a community healthcare services company called Sudenkorento Oy. Our mission is to serve our collective community by holistically growing the value of our Life in health, ability, peace and Love. We are a “new style” company. Our service is our priority, not “profit”. At Sudenkorento we believe value is far greater in breadth and depth than can be represented in money. We believe each in need of our services, no matter if they do or do not have money to pay, has a value they can pay forward in line with our mission.
We at Sudenkorento Oy have begun our Keijukivi process in Finland.
One may ask, why is Finland a good place to begin this process?
Most simply, it is because Finland is where we are. Where we can begin to support your Keijukivi process. Where we have begun ours.
Specifically, we are based out of the rural municipality of Ruokolahti Finland. We are on the shores of Lake Saimaa near the cities of Imatra and Lappeenranta on the eastern boarder of southern Finland 20 km from Russia. We are within 300 km of Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio and Joensuu, and St. Petersburg.
While physically we support this process from Finland, Keijukivi is not limited by where you are. In fact, Keijukivi grows with you wherever you are. Keijukivi is possible anywhere in the world, Keijukivi is possible for the whole world.
It is not limited by place, by nationality, by language, by age, by gender expression. Keijuikivi is the process of connecting to your energy, of connecting to our energy. Keijuikivi is expansive and inclusive.
Ruokolahti is a home of nature. Of peace, silence and freedom. Of lake, forest and farm. Ruokolahti has been home to human since the ice melted over 10,000 years ago, maybe earlier. Today it is home to ~5000 people, with a cultural emphasis on cultivating creativity in children from the wisdom and experience of the elders.
In a context of the “developed industrial society” Ruokolahti has a unique situation. The living memory of the community dates back to a time of limited technology. Many village elders remember times before electricity connection, when wood burning fire was the only source of heat and when wagons were the form of transportation. The present community, by comparison, is technologically advanced. Such a transition happened within living memory. The culture of the community values the wisdom of this memory maintaining connection to the deep wisdom of their place. The modern worldview “developed industrial society” is layered on top of a foundation of local culture before it was touched by industry.
Pictures: Sara Lindh
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